Date(s) - 06/06/2023
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be running another offering of our newest program: the Fire & Emergency Services Instructor II Bridge (Brunswick, Summer of 2023)
Interested individuals from all over Maine are encouraged to apply, as this program only requires traveling to Brunswick twice to complete the program.
This program was established in anticipation of introducing the NFPA Live Burn Curriculum to Maine’s fire community. The NFPA standard requires that presenters and instructors involved have Fire Instructor II credentials, and we know that there are many dedicated individuals in the field who currently have Fire Instructor I only.
The course will refresh participants in areas previously discussed, as well as bringing them the latest in relevant laws, diversity training, lesson plan development, Training in Context, objective writing, Department of Labor requirements, and more.
Click here for full course packet.