Deputy Chief Marc Bellefeuille State Fire Instructor of the Year Award
The Deputy Chief Marc Bellefeuille State Fire Instructor of the Year Award is given to a Senior State Fire Instructor that demonstrates an ongoing commitment to serving Maine’s fire service by teaching and encouraging others to improve themselves and/or their organization in pursuit of excellence.
The Instructor of the Year Award recognizes individuals for extraordinary accomplishments in fire service training who have:
- Shown commitment to furthering the cause of the fire service through training.
- Demonstrated creativity and innovation to fire training programs
- Served as a positive model for other instructors and firefighters.
- Advanced the cause of firefighter safety through training
- Gone beyond the call of duty in training.
The 2023 Instructor of the Year Award Recipient: Howard Rice
Chief Howard Rice has been part of MFSI for over 14 years as a State Fire Instructor and has been instrumental in seeing that programs are managed in a manner that is consistent with our mission. He has worked with many fire departments across the state of Maine to help enhance the level of fire service training programs. Specifically Fire Officer, Fire Instructor I & II, and our new Live Fire Instructor program. He is always willing to assist MFSI and is a true leader in every aspect of the word.
Recent Recipients: (2022) Darren Woods (2021) Phil Meunier (2020) John Churchill (2018) Chris Poremby (2017) Chris Connor (2012) Tim Hardy
New State Fire Instructor Hiring Process
Periodic posting of the position will be made and the entire hiring process will be followed as listed below:
- Candidates shall successfully complete the New State Fire Instructor hiring process which consists of a written examination (70% score or better); a physical wellness assessment, instructional skills assessment stations, oral interviews, and documentation of respiratory protection compliance.
- Candidates who wish to be hired as a Contract Instructor for Maine Fire Service Institute must submit a letter of intent along with a resume to the MFSI Director. Once your resume has been received, we will contact you and provide detailed information for the next step in the process.
- Candidates for the position of State Fire Instructor must be Firefighter I & II certified, Fire Instructor I certified, and have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a firefighter, including 2 years of fire service instructing experience as documented in your resume.
State Fire Instructor Levels
Maine Fire Service Institute (MFSI) has a long-standing policy of providing a career development ladder for fire instructors. The policy begins at the Probationary State Fire Instructor Level I and advances two levels beyond to Senior State Fire Instructor Level III. MFSI Instructor Levels I, II & III are based on NFPA 1041 Fire Instructor Professional Qualifications. Credit may be given to candidates for either successful completion of specific training courses, equivalent courses or demonstrated performance of projects (such as curriculum development or process coordination).
Level: I Probationary State Fire Instructor
- Time in grade; 5 years of fire service experience and 2 years of fire service instructing.
- Qualifications: Fire Fighter I & II, Fire Instructor I, EVOC & BPOC or acceptable equivalent. A minimum of 2 years instructing at the local/regional level. *Shall attend MFSI Fire Instructor Academy (mandatory)
- Level I Job Description: These Instructors will be utilized as assistant instructors working under the guidance of an experienced State Fire Instructor. They can be used to assist or, at times, directly provide MFSI programs, including acting as evaluators at Practical Skills End Tests. Eligible for an hourly rate and travel reimbursement in accordance with Maine Community College System (MCCS) policy.
Level: II State Fire Instructor
- Time in grade: 2 years with MFSI
- Qualifications: Candidates must have taught (4) programs as lead instructor and have been evaluated by Training Program Manager or MFSI administrative staff eliciting a positive outcome for pay increase. All documentation to be signed off by MFSI Administration for pay increase.
- Level II Job Description: These Instructors will be utilized as Lead Instructors classes for which they have completed required train-the-trainer programs. Eligible for an hourly rate and travel reimbursement in accordance with Maine Community College System (MCCS) policy.
- *Shall have attended one workshop, Train-the-Trainer or Pro-Dev event out of two years.
- *Student course evaluations will be taken into consideration in overall process.
Level: III Senior State Fire Instructor
- Time in grade: 5 years with MFSI
- Qualifications: Candidates must have taught (8) programs as lead instructor and have been evaluated by Training Program Manager or MFSI administrative staff eliciting a positive outcome. All documentation to be signed off by MFSI Administration for pay increase.
- Level III Job Description: These Instructors may be utilized as program liaisons to assist the Training Program Managers in local program delivery. Eligible for an hourly rate and travel reimbursement in accordance with Maine Community College System (MCCS) policy.
- *Shall have attended two workshop, Train-the-Trainer or Pro-Dev event out of five years.
- *Student course evaluations will be taken into consideration in overall process.
National Fire Academy/Specialist Fire Instructor
- NFA/Specialist pay rate shall be determined by the MFSI Administration and special appointment required to receive such pay.
- This is reserved for MFSI Administration appointments only.
- Time in grade: TBD by administration
- NFA Qualifications: Must have experience as a volunteer or career fire officer with a solid training and educational background. MFSI Administration can assign as they see fit per NFA rules.
- Level IV Job Description: These Instructors may be utilized as program coordinators to assist the Training Program Managers in delivery of MFSI and/or NFA programs. Eligible for an hourly rate and travel reimbursement in accordance with Maine Community College System (MCCS) policy.
- Specialty Qualifications: Extensive experience in subject matter considered. This will be under scrutiny of MFSI Administration and will be reserved for special operations and details that warrant the title.