Certification Exams & Skill Tests

Maine Fire Service Institute offers written and skills testing at different locations throughout the State.

Requirements and pre-requisites to test are spelled out in the Certification Manual.  All progress charts and program elements must be completed prior to testing and reviewed by the Certification Assistant Program Manager.  All qualifications must be met and documentation supplied to Maine Fire Service Institute (MFSI) two weeks prior to admission to any examinations.

  • Individual program coordinators need to plan at least 30 days in advance to schedule exams.  Skills exams are first come, first serve and have a limit as to how many can test at any one skills exam.
  • Candidates who are part of a Local or Regional program do not need to register as this is taken care of by individual program coordinators.
  • Photo Identification is required at all exams and NO WALK-ON test takers are allowed.
  • Anyone desiring to participate in certification testing should contact MFSI at 207-844-2074 or via email for more information.

NOTE: Should a candidate fail an exam, they have one (1) year within the most recent NFPA standard change to retest and will be eligible to test a total of three times. The candidate must wait 30 days before a retest can be granted. The retest may be scheduled by submitting a request to the Certification Manager at the MFSI office. [pg. 19 in MFSI Certification Manual, updated 2024]

Upcoming Written Test Dates

Visit the Upcoming Events page.