General – The following equipment can be requested by all fire service professionals.
- Foam
- Manikin
- Chainsaw
- Rotary Saw
- Smoke Machine
- Tool Cache Bin
MFSI-Only – The following equipment can only be requested by MFSI Instructors or qualified municipal fire professionals. For qualification status, please contact Deputy Director Roy at 207-844-2076.
- APOC Kit
- BPOC Kit
- Command Board
- Folding Tank
- Gas Meter
- Hose
- Ladder
- Nozzle
- Radio Set
- RIC Pack
- Thermal Imaging Camera
- Ventilation Fan
- Cooler of Water
To make a request, visit “Request Props and Equipment” page.
Smoke Machines
Description: Enhance your SCBA Training by producing dense safe smoke for your new recruits and the seasoned veterans.
MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round
Rescue Manikins
Description: In accordance with NFPA 1403 – 2018 edition, Section 4.17.2, “Rescue manikins dressed in fire-fighting personal protective clothing and used as victims shall be uniquely colored or specially marked.”
MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round
Miscellaneous Hand Tools
Description: MFSI tool caches consist of the following: 2 pick head axes, 2 flat head axes, 2 haligans, 1 duckbill lock tool, 1 sledge (10-12 lbs.), 1 closet hook, 1 roof hook, and 1 Boston rake. Tools are transported in 5’ metal tool boxes. Longer pike poles, trash hooks, Boston rakes, and other firefighting hand tools are available on request.
MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round
Cutters Edge Saws & Rotary Saws
Description: Ventilation saws are equipped with 20” bars, Bullet chains, and depth guides. Rotary saws are equipped with 12” or 14” Black Diamond multi-purpose rescue blades. These saws are high performance power tools designed for the fire service and all relevant safety precautions should be strictly adhered to.
MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year-round (must read and understand the owner’s manual before operating)