Props & Trailers

General – The following props and trailers can be requested by all fire service professionals.

MFSI-Only – The following props and trailers can only be requested by MFSI Instructors or qualified municipal fire professionals. For qualification status, please contact Deputy Director Roy at 207-844-2076.

  • Advanced Forcible Entry Training Trailer
  • Pump Cutaway Training Trailer
  • Pump Simulator Support Trailer (OOS from 11/1 – 4/1)
  • System 64 Propane Gas Trainer  (OOS from 11/1 – 4/1)

To make a request, visit “Request Props and Equipment”.


Air Cascade Support Trailer

Each of these trailers is equipped with 8 mounted 6000 psi cylinders piped to a SCBA cylinder fill station. CAUTION: Filling SCBA cylinders in an improper manner can be extremely dangerous. This system shall only be utilized if you have been properly trained in SCBA cylinder refill operations.

MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round

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Fire Extinguisher Training System

For a realistic fire extinguisher training session, the BullEx I.T.S. ™ Live-Fire Extinguisher Training System is an ideal solution for your safety program. Designed with a patented flame-response technology that detects a trainee’s technique, the system can automatically vary its flames in response, providing a realistic training experience. The system uses readily available air and water instead of costly dry chemical or CO2, meaning multiple employees can safely train in a single day in a clean and cost- effective manner. The I.T.S. system is a simpler, safer way to provide live fire extinguisher training in your facility.

MFSI Instructor Required: No, requester must have been trained in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round

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Emergency Vehicle Driver Training (EVDT/EVOC) Trailer

These trailers are designed for the trained fire instructor to use for setting up and delivering the field driving course. They include cones and other lane marking pylons. The trailer materials work in conjunction with the VFIS (Volunteer Fire Insurance Service) Emergency Vehicle Operators Course. You must hold MFSI/VFIS Train-the-Trainer certification in order to deliver the program and submit for certification.  For information about VFIS programs, please visit their website.

MFSI Instructor Required: No. If you are seeking VFIS certifications, then someone you/someone within your organization must hold a current MFSI/VFIS Train-the-Trainer certification.
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round

Each EVOC trailer includes:
  • 20 – EVOC Course Books
  • 120 – Traffic Cones 28″ tall
  • 4 – Traffic Barrels
  • Safety Vest
  • Training Ahead signs
  • 25′ Tape measure
  • 300′ Tape Measure
  • Marking Paint

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Forcible Entry Training Trailers

Description: This patented door system provides the ability to force left or right-handed, opening in or opening outdoors, metal or wood jambs. All on the same door system. You can even use angle iron on the door to simulate high security apartment doors. This door allows you to use the gapping method and conventional forcible entry methods on opening-in metal jams (like on apartment doors). Hydra- Rams & Rabbit Tools can also be used. Opening-out forcible entry on metal jambs can also be used (like on commercial buildings or bulkhead doors). Also, you can use the spiking method on the wood jamb simulator (like on private dwelling doors).

MFSI Instructor Required: No
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round

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MAST Mobile Alarm, Sprinkler Trainer

Description: This is a specialty use trailer and requires a trained instructor to operate. The trailer has many features including wet and dry sprinkler system risers, fire department connection, hose standpipe riser, residential sprinkler system riser, fire alarm system, and wet lab for stopping the flow of an operating sprinkler head. It is a very useful tool for any Fire Fighter I & II program. It is owned by the Town of Scarborough and supported by MFSI.

MFSI Instructor Required: Yes, or qualified municipal instructor (if unsure about qualification status, please contact Deputy Director Roy at 207-844-2076 or
Monthly Schedule: Yes – Mobile Alarm Sprinkler Trailer Annual Schedule
NOTE: Prop is available year round (yet has the potential for freeze ups, indoor use in the cold weather months is recommended).

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SCBA Air Management Trailer (Black or Red)

MFSI Instructor Required: Yes, or MFSI trained instructor on the trailer.

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Wood Frame Construction Prop

The display cases provides industry product samples that will be used to enhance the building construction curriculums. The display case is an excellent training aid insofar as engineered wood products that are commonly found in new construction today as well as traditional wood frame construction.

MFSI Instructor: Not required
Monthly Schedule: None
NOTE: Prop is available year round

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Pump Training Trailer

The Pump Training Trailer consists of a custom 32’ Haulmark gooseneck trailer with a tandem axle. The trailer has 2 pump cut-outs installed on roll-out trays, 1- portable generator and a LCD Monitor. The unit is equipped with interior lighting that can powered through the generator or household 110 volt electric service.

The Pump Training Trailer has been designed with four stations to be utilized for training course delivery. Pump Training Trailer stations are as follows:

  • Station #1- Single Stage Pump
  • Station #2- Two Stage Pump
  • Station #3- A/V Monitor and Library
  • Station #4- Pump Parts and Equipment Cache and Generator

The Pump Trailer is dedicated to the memory of Captain Mike Kucsma who was actively involved in the design of the unit.

MFSI Instructor Required: Yes, or qualified municipal instructor (if unsure about qualification status, please contact Deputy Director Roy at 207-844-2076 or
Monthly Schedule: Yes– Portable Pump Operator Trainer Annual Schedule
NOTE: Prop is available throughout the year

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Class B Gas Fire Training Prop (aka System 64)

Description: Designed to fit inside a truck bed, van, or small trailer, and be set up in under 30 minutes, the System 64 flexible exterior live fire trainer lets you conduct training scenarios virtually anywhere. With a 6×4 foot liquid propane fueled burn pan, 2-stage fires, and a variety of interchangeable props, the System 64 can address many fire training scenarios in a highly mobile configuration. Prop includes: propane cylinder, gas grill, and wall prop.

The System 64 is designed to help fire departments train on exterior live fires according to NFPA 1001.

MFSI Instructor Required: Yes, or MFSI trained instructor on the trailer.

2/1/2025: MFSI has replaced the 200 lbs. propane prop used with the System 64 trailer for a total investment of $5,000 in order to keep our training equipment in optimal working condition. Please read additional notes on maintaining the prop here

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Vehicle Fire Prop

Description: The Car Fire Trainer for live fire training exercises brings a level of versatility and realism that cannot be duplicated using conventional firefighting training methods. The operator of the trainer will be able to vary the difficulty, complexity or scale of the fires to challenge the skill of the trainees. One advantage is the fact that you can relight fires quickly and get more training evolutions in a typical training evening. This is an excellent tool for roll-up drills and limited incident command training with an element of urgency.

MFSI Instructor Required: Yes, or qualified municipal instructor
Monthly Schedule: No
NOTE: Prop is unavailable throughout the winter months. November 1st – April 1st weather permitting.

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