FDSOA Pro-Board ISO Program

We were happy to partner with The City of Augusta Fire Rescue to present this Fire Department Safety Officers Association intensive 2-day workshop. There were 27 participants from across Maine representing some of the largest fire departments in our state. We thank you all for an excellent two days in Central Maine! We are planning to bring the FDSOA Pro-Board Incident Safety Officer Program back to Maine this fall. If you are interested, please let us know.

Special thanks to:

Chief Dave Groder and the Augusta Fire Department
Shadd Whitehead, Fire Chief (retired) and Rich Marinucci, FDSOA Executive Director
To all the students-
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend. We need to look out for one another, and we need all of you to be safe when the alarm rings.

Dirigo “we lead”

For more information on the Fire Department Safety Officer Association, visit their website here.